Pachelbel, Mozart and Vivaldi in the Municipal House

Fri, Apr 11 2025, 20:00
Municipal House (Obecní dům), Smetana hall
Seating plan Assigned seating
Total price 1 600 CZK
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Enjoy classical music from known maestros Pachelbel, Mozart, and Vivaldi in the beautiful Smetana Hall of Municipal house!

Venue: Smetana Hall, Municipal House

Visit the Smetana Hall, the most beautiful concert hall in Prague and the main hall of the Municipal House.

Built in 1912 on the site of the former Royal Court to celebrate the Czech nation, the Municipal House has been one of Prague's most important public buildings for over a century. This magnificent building is one of the jewels of Prague architecture, renowned for its splendor and beautiful decorations. Although it is often described as an Art Nouveau building, it is actually a blend of neo-Baroque, neo-Renaissance, Western and Oriental influences, and Czech Art Nouveau. Above all, it is an exceptional venue for classical music concerts and one of the main stages of the world-famous Prague Spring Festival.

It was in the illustrious Smetana Hall that the independent Czechoslovak Republic was proclaimed in 1918. Today it is mainly used as a concert hall. The beautiful Art Nouveau decorations - paintings with Slavic motifs, a decorative stained-glass ceiling, gilded lamps and a magnificent organ - create an extraordinarily harmonious ensemble. This space is a worthy setting for the presentation of the greatest treasures of Czech and world classical music.

Come and immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the Smetana Hall and experience an unforgettable musical event in the heart of Prague.

J. Pachelbel: Canon in D Major
W. A. Mozart: A Little Night Music, Serenade No.13, KV 525
A. Vivaldi: Four Seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter)

Performed by
Prague Classical Orchestra
(chamber cast of 10 members)

Vlastimil Kobrle
a former concertmaster in the Suk Chamber Orchestra and a soloist in the New Prague Collegium Radio Symphonists

Petr Zdvihal
a concertmaster in the Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra

Ondrej Skopovy
a former member of the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra and the second violin in the Czech Philharmonic orchestra, a member of the Prague Royal Orchestra, the Berg Chamber Orchestra, the Talich Chamber Orchestra and the Prague Collegium

Duration: 60 minutes
Dress code: casual
Children under 10 are admitted free of charge.