
Wed, May 07 2025, 20:00
Image - Black Light Theatre
Assigned seating
Total price 590 CZK
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Wildlife dance styling and impressive effects of black theatre. Tourists, a postman, and a big, playful misunderstanding. It does not go together, dos it? But it can.

During its long 25 years in existence, Image Balck Light Theatre became an important part of Prague culture, well-known not only to Prague citizens and visitors but also to audiences abroad. The theatre group has taken over a hundred trips around Europe, but also to the United Arab Emirates, Macau, South Korea, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Turkmenistan, Russia, and Bahrain. Its creative work moved the development of the genre at the top level. Far from the original, simple form of black theatre, a contemporary form that is synthetic and concentrated on clever and quality entertainment has been reached. The ensemble has developed its own unique style. It brilliantly uses the technique of black theatre, elements of modern dance, original costumes, mime and non-verbal theatre, as well as contact with the audience. Mystification, precise execution of visual tricks, playful authors, compelling performances by actors and dancers, and the desire to have fun and entertain the viewer – all are aimed at achieving one goal: a live theatre performance for a live audience.

Here you can see a sample from the performance

Duration: 80-90 minutes (no intermission)