Contact Us

E-mail [email protected]
Phone +420 775 304 711

Please contact us primarily through our email address and a member of our customer support team will be sure to respond to you.

Mirka Švecová
E-mail: [email protected]
+420 775 304 711

David Jordán
Customer Support
E-mail: [email protected]

Kateřina Nečasová
Customer Support
E-mail: [email protected]

Prague Classical Concerts
powered by GLEWARINO s.r.o.
Senovazne namesti 23
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic 

Business Registration Number: 05636299
The company is registered at the Municipal Court in Prague,
Insert C 268030

Account number: 278978441/0300 registered at CSOB bank
IBAN: CZ6203000000000278978441